Our Player support team will be happy to help you with this request. Please reach out to them using this link: https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Submitting your request
Please make sure to include the following information in your support request:
- The exact name of the item that you purchased.
- The cost of the item, in Super Credits or medals.
- The estimated time that you made the purchase.
Our in-game item refund policy
- We are only able to process refunds on items that have been purchased in the last 7 days prior to when your support request was submitted.
- We are only able to refund a warbond if nothing has been purchased on it.
- You are entitled to 3 separate refunds a year, composed of up to 3 items each time.
Game or micro-transaction refunds
Arrowhead are only the developers of HELLDIVERS 2, but we are not the publisher or distributor, as such we cannot help you with refunding these.
If you are seeking a refund of the game in its entirety, or purchased Super Credits, please contact support for the platform of which you bought the game, as we do not have any ability to process any monetary transactions.
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